July 25

Despite its recognized importance, addressing personalization is still a potent CX challenge in 2024

While personalization has long been recognized as a critical factor in delivering exceptional customer experiences, many organizations still grapple with its implementation. This ongoing challenge stems from several factors, including changing customer expectations, technological complexities, and resource constraints.

According to the Zendesk CX Trends Report 2023, 59% of consumers believe businesses should use the data they collect about them to personalize their experiences. However, while customers are increasingly comfortable with their data being used for personalization, many businesses still struggle to leverage this information effectively.

Industry leaders on personalizing CX delivery

The challenge of personalization resonates across various industries. Iqbal Javaid, Head of CX Solution Engineering at Zoom, articulates this challenge succinctly:

“My biggest challenge is ensuring our solution remains not just relevant, but indispensable to our customers. With the landscape of customer expectations evolving rapidly, staying ahead means constantly innovating to meet their needs while maintaining seamless integration with their existing systems. It’s about striking that delicate balance between anticipating future demands and delivering value that drives business growth and customer retention.”

This sentiment reflects the ongoing struggle many companies face in keeping pace with rapidly changing customer expectations while also maintaining operational efficiency.

Moreover, the concept of hyper-personalization is emerging as a new frontier in CX. Neha Dutta, VP of CX Transformation at EXL, highlights this trend, stating that a key challenge is “How to drive hyper-personalization through technology and ensure customers get a north star CX experience.” This push towards even more granular, individualized experiences is raising the bar for what constitutes exceptional CX, further complicating the personalization challenge.

Overcoming the challenges of personalizing CX delivery

Customers increasingly expect brands to understand their individual preferences, anticipate their needs, and provide relevant, timely interactions across all touchpoints. Failing to meet these expectations can lead to customer dissatisfaction, reduced loyalty, and ultimately, lost business.

To address the personalization challenge in 2024, organizations are exploring various strategies:

  • Data integration and analysis

Consolidating and leveraging customer data is crucial. Over 95% of CX leaders have invested or plan to invest in data integration, data integrity, or data enrichment technologies.

  • Cross-functional collaboration

Breaking down silos between departments ensures a consistent, personalized experience across all customer touchpoints.

  • Scalable automation

Implementing automated solutions that can deliver personalized experiences at scale without overwhelming human resources.

  • Continuous feedback loops

Regularly refining personalization strategies and identifying areas for improvement by collecting and analyzing customer feedback.

  • Employee empowerment

Providing frontline staff with the tools and training needed to deliver personalized experiences. 74% of agents say that having access to more tools and data will give them more opportunities to personalize interactions.

However, implementing these strategies is not without its challenges. As Joey Tan, Head of CX at GXS Bank, notes, “The challenge lies in energizing my team to aim for significant advancements efficiently and quickly. Our focus is to drive impactful progress with minimal resources.”

This highlights the need for efficient, resource-conscious approaches to personalization.

Leverage technology to address personalization challenges and achieve CX excellence

In this demanding landscape, many organizations are turning to technologies like CCaaS. These platforms can help address personalization challenges by providing integrated tools for data analysis, customer interaction management, and personalized communication across multiple channels.

The features enabled by CCaaS such as customer data centralization, automated personalization, consistent omnichannel communications, scalability, and advanced analytics make it an effective vehicle in the pursuit of CX personalization.
As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of personalization in 2024, considering CCaaS migration could be a strategic move. These technologies offer the tools and capabilities needed to meet rising customer expectations for personalized experiences while managing resource constraints.

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